These 6 Yogasanas to remove lethargy, fatigue and stress, know when and how to do them

Stress associated with studies or career, relationship problems, run-away routines… everything does not go well in life. Sometimes the mind is sad, tense, tired, restless, sad or angry, sometimes angry. There are many types of emotions, which distract the person by giving rise to negative thoughts.

Exercise, yoga, meditation or outdoor games can be taken to be balanced in such situations. Many times it is natural to feel tired after working hours, but sometimes fatigue starts without cause. If there is a feeling of lethargy all the time, then some actions should be done for this.

This is the easiest action, which removes immediate physical-mental fatigue. Lie straight on your back, leaving the legs loose. Keep hands directly adjacent to the body. Now start with your thumb and start slowly focusing on every part of the body. Allow the mind to concentrate and feel that the body is slowly consuming energy - becoming healthy.

 It is specially designed to relieve fatigue or fatigue. Lie flat on the ground. Keep both hands lightly upward in the direction of the body. Now raise your head upwards. Draw a long breath. Slowly raise both legs, neck and head upwards, but keep the belly part close to the ground. Now return to the previous state. Repeat this for 10-20 times.

Breathing technics 1
 Sit in a secluded place. One hand on the chest, the other on the stomach and take a deep breath. Breathe through your nose. The hand placed on the chest should be fixed, the hand on the stomach should move slowly. Try to breathe through the mouth. Repeat this action for 5 minutes.

Breathing technics 2
Close your eyes and focus on the breath. Breathe through your nose and release from your mouth. Clench your fist tightly. Notice the tension occurring in this situation. Slowly open the fingers and feel the palms free from tension.

Breathing technics 3
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now count to 10. Repeat this process, increasing the count to 50–100. Try to focus on something beautiful, such as a painting, flower habit or any colorful thing.

Breathing technics 4
Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes and focus on your breath and body. Open the eye, focus on the surrounding environment. Be aware of any sound fragrance or event… whatever. Repeat the process of awareness 5 times.

These are the best yoga asan for everyone. for more information and if you want to beacome yoga teacher in advanced level please visit

Kranti Yoga Village Beach Resort, H. No. 135, Patnem Beach, Canacona Goa, India 403702.
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Call: +91 9823984494 ( Anusha )

Whatsapp Only : +44 7912985754 (Julia Gavin)


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